Karen Whitten has successfully practiced and taught various methods of mindfulness and, meditation, as well as Tai Chi and Qi Gong to her students and patients for many years. She is able to now offer these teachings at her office in Nyack, in individual and small group classes. All classes are open to anyone, and no experience is necessary. Please call 845-535-9116 or email for more information or to schedule a class.
Mindfulness techniques such as breathing, meditation, and the healing vibrations of sound, can calm an anxious or overactive nervous system. They can be utilized during times of stress or over stimulation, can improve sleep, as well as general health and well being.
​​Tai chi is often called meditation in motion, and helps calm the mind and spirit, as well as improve coordination and balance.
Qi Gong is a more meditative practice, and is often called motion in stillness. Through simple movements and techniques, one can begin to more effectively circulate one's own vital energy, or "Qi".
Both Tai Chi and Qi Gong have been found to be very calming and grounding, as well as improve one's vitality and overall health and well being.
Private Small Group
1/2 hour $50 $35
1 hour $85 $60
I work with reimbursement through OPWDD.
Direct pay for self direction available soon.